curses_addstr(3) - NetBSD Manual Pages

CURSES_ADDSTR(3)        NetBSD Library Functions Manual       CURSES_ADDSTR(3)

curses_addstr, addstr, addwstr, waddstr, waddwstr, addnstr, addnwstr, waddnstr, waddnwstr, mvaddstr, mvaddwstr, mvwaddstr, mvwaddwstr, mvaddnstr, mvaddnwstr, mvwaddnstr, mvwaddnwstr -- curses add character strings to windows routines
Curses Library (libcurses, -lcurses)
#include <curses.h> int addstr(const char *string); int addwstr(const wchar_t *string); int waddstr(WINDOW *win, const char *string); int waddwstr(WINDOW *win, const wchar_t *string); int mvaddstr(int y, int x, const char *string); int mvaddwstr(int y, int x, const wchar_t *string); int mvwaddstr(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const char *string); int mvwaddwstr(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const wchar_t *string, int len); int addnstr(const char *string, int len); int addnwstr(const wchar_t *string, int len); int waddnstr(WINDOW *win, const char *string, int len); int waddnwstr(WINDOW *win, const wchar_t *string, int len); int mvaddnstr(int y, int x, const char *string, int len); int mvaddnwstr(int y, int x, const wchar_t *string, int len); int mvwaddnstr(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const char *string, int len); int mvwaddnwstr(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const wchar_t *string, int len);
These functions add character strings to stdscr or to the specified win- dow. The addstr() function will add the characters passed in string to stdscr starting at the current cursor position. Any background attributes cur- rently set on stdscr will be applied to the added character. The waddstr() function does the same as addstr() but adds the string to the window specified by win(). The addnstr() function will add the contents of string to stdscr but will limit the number of characters added to be, at most, len. If len is -1 then addnstr will add the number of characters contained in the null ter- minated string string. Any background attributes currently set on stdscr will be applied to the added character. The waddnstr() function does the same as addnstr but adds the string to the window specified by win. The functions mvaddstr(), mwaddnstr(), mvwaddstr() and mvwaddnstr() are the same as the functions addstr(), waddstr(), waddstr() and waddnstr(), respectively, excepting that wmove() is called to move the cursor to the position specified by y, x before the string is added to the window.
Functions returning pointers will return NULL if an error is detected. The functions that return an int will return one of the following values: OK The function completed successfully. ERR An error occurred in the function.
curses_addch(3), curses_addchstr(3), curses_attributes(3), curses_cursor(3), curses_inch(3)
The NetBSD Curses library complies with the X/Open Curses specification, part of the Single Unix Specification.
The Curses package appeared in 4.0BSD. NetBSD 9.4_STABLE July 28, 2019 NetBSD 9.4_STABLE

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