attr_on(3) - NetBSD Manual Pages

CURSES_ATTRIBUTES(3)    NetBSD Library Functions Manual   CURSES_ATTRIBUTES(3)

curses_attributes, attron, attroff, attrset, color_set, getattrs, termattrs, wattron, wattroff, wattrset, wcolor_set, attr_on, attr_off, attr_set, attr_get, term_attrs, wattr_on, wattr_off, wattr_set, wattr_get -- curses general attribute manipulation routines
Curses Library (libcurses, -lcurses)
#include <curses.h> int attron(int attr); int attroff(int attr); int attrset(int attr); int color_set(short pair, void *opt); chtype getattrs(WINDOW *win); chtype termattrs(void); int wcolor_set(WINDOW *win, short pair, void *opt); int wattron(WINDOW * win, int attr); int wattroff(WINDOW * win, int attr); int wattrset(WINDOW * win, int attr); int attr_on(attr_t attr, void *opt); int attr_off(attr_t attr, void *opt); int attr_set(attr_t attr, short pair, void *opt); int attr_get(attr_t *attr, short *pair, void *opt); attr_t term_attrs(void); int wattr_on(WINDOW *win, attr_t attr, void *opt); int wattr_off(WINDOW *win, attr_t attr, void *opt); int wattr_set(WINDOW *win, attr_t attr, short pair, void *opt); int wattr_get(WINDOW *win, attr_t *attr, short *pair, void *opt);
These functions manipulate attributes on stdscr or on the specified win- dow. The attributes that can be manipulated are: A_NORMAL no special attributes are applied A_STANDOUT characters are displayed in standout mode A_UNDERLINE characters are displayed underlined A_REVERSE characters are displayed in inverse video A_BLINK characters blink A_DIM characters are displayed at a lower intensity A_BOLD characters are displayed at a higher intensity A_INVIS characters are added invisibly A_PROTECT characters are protected from modification A_ALTCHARSET characters are displayed using the alternate charac- ter set (ACS) COLOR_PAIR(n) characters are displayed using color pair n. The attron() function turns on the attributes specified in attr on stdscr, while the attroff() function turns off the attributes specified in attr on stdscr. The function attrset() sets the attributes of stdscr to those specified in attr, turning off any others. To turn off all the attributes (includ- ing color and alternate character set), use attrset(A_NORMAL). Multiple attributes can be manipulated by combining the attributes using a logical OR. For example, attron(A_REVERSE | A_BOLD) will turn on both inverse video and higher intensity. The function color_set() sets the color pair attribute to the pair speci- fied in pair. The function getattrs() returns the attributes that are currently applied to window specified by win. The function termattrs() returns the logical OR of attributes that can be applied to the screen. The functions wattron(), wattroff(), wattrset(), and wcolor_set() are equivalent to attron(), attroff() attrset(), and color_set() respec- tively, excepting that the attributes are applied to the window specified by win. The following functions additionally manipulate wide attributes on stdscr or on the specified window. The additional wide attributes that can be manipulated are: WA_STANDOUT characters are displayed in standout mode WA_UNDERLINE characters are displayed underlined WA_REVERSE characters are displayed in inverse video WA_BLINK characters blink WA_DIM characters are displayed at a lower intensity WA_BOLD characters are displayed at a higher intensity WA_INVIS characters are added invisibly WA_PROTECT characters are protected from modification WA_ALTCHARSET characters are displayed using the alternate charac- ter set (ACS) WA_LOW characters are displayed with low highlight WA_TOP characters are displayed with top highlight WA_HORIZONTAL characters are displayed with horizontal highlight WA_VERTICAL characters are displayed with vertical highlight WA_LEFT characters are displayed with left highlight WA_RIGHT characters are displayed with right highlight The attr_on() function turns on the wide attributes specified in attr on stdscr, while the attr_off() function turns off the wide attributes spec- ified in attr on stdscr. The function attr_set() sets the wide attributes of stdscr to those spec- ified in attr and pair, turning off any others. Note that a color pair specified in pair will override any color pair specified in attr. The function attr_get() sets attr to the wide attributes and pair to the color pair currently applied to stdscr. Either of attr and pair can be NULL, if the relevant value is of no interest. The function term_attrs() returns the logical OR of wide attributes that can be applied to the screen. The functions wattr_on(), wattr_off() and wattr_set() are equivalent to attr_on(), attr_off() and attr_set() respectively, excepting that the character is added to the window specified by win. The function wattr_get() is equivalent to attr_get(), excepting that the wide attributes and color pair currently applied to win are set. The following constants can be used to extract the components of a chtype: A_ATTRIBUTES bit-mask containing attributes part A_CHARTEXT bit-mask containing character part A_COLOR bit-mask containing color-pair part
These functions return OK on success and ERR on failure.
curses_addch(3), curses_addchstr(3), curses_addstr(3), curses_background(3), curses_color(3), curses_insch(3), curses_standout(3), curses_underscore(3)
The opt argument is not currently used but is reserved for a future ver- sion of the specification.
The NetBSD Curses library complies with the X/Open Curses specification, part of the Single Unix Specification. The getattrs() function is a NetBSD extension.
These functions first appeared in NetBSD 1.5.
Some terminals do not support characters with both color and other attributes set. In this case, the other attribute is displayed instead of the color attribute. NetBSD 9.3 October 25, 2018 NetBSD 9.3

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