curses_addch(3) - NetBSD Manual Pages

CURSES_ADDCH(3)         NetBSD Library Functions Manual        CURSES_ADDCH(3)

curses_addch, addch, waddch, mvaddch, mvwaddch -- curses add characters to windows routines
Curses Library (libcurses, -lcurses)
#include <curses.h> int addch(chtype ch); int waddch(WINDOW *win, chtype ch); int mvaddch(int y, int x, chtype ch); int mvwaddch(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, chtype ch);
These functions add characters to stdscr or to the specified window. The addch() function adds the character given in ch to stdscr at the cur- rent cursor position and advances the current cursor position by one. Any character attributes set in ch will be merged with the background attributes currently set on stdscr. The waddch() function is the same as the addch() function, excepting that the character is added to the window specified by win. The mvaddch() and mvwaddch() functions are the same as the addch() and waddch() functions, respectively, excepting that wmove() is called to move the cursor to the position specified by y, x before the character is added to the window. LINE DRAWING CHARACTERS Some terminals support the display of line drawing and graphics charac- ters. These characters can be added using their defined names, as shown in the table below. Where the terminal does not support a specific char- acter, the default (non-graphics) character is displayed instead. Name Default Description ACS_RARROW > Arrow pointing right ACS_LARROW < Arrow pointing left ACS_UARROW ^ Arrow pointing up ACS_DARROW v Arrow pointing down ACS_BLOCK # Solid square block ACS_DIAMOND + Diamond ACS_CKBOARD : Checker board (stipple) ACS_DEGREE ' Degree symbol ACS_PLMINUS # Plus/minus ACS_BOARD # Board of squares ACS_LANTERN # Lantern symbol ACS_LRCORNER + Lower right-hand corner ACS_URCORNER + Upper right-hand corner ACS_ULCORNER + Upper left-hand corner ACS_LLCORNER + Lower left-hand corner ACS_PLUS + Plus ACS_HLINE - Horizontal line ACS_S1 - Scan line 1 ACS_S9 - Scan line 9 ACS_LTEE + Left tee ACS_RTEE + Right tee ACS_BTEE + Bottom tee ACS_TTEE + Top tee ACS_VLINE | Vertical line ACS_BULLET o Bullet The following additional, ncurses compatible, characters are also sup- ported. Name Default Description ACS_S3 - Scan line 3 ACS_S7 - Scan line 7 ACS_LEQUAL < Less than or equal to ACS_GEQUAL > Greater than or equal to ACS_PI * Pi symbol ACS_NEQUAL ! Not equal to ACS_STERLING f Sterling symbol For compatibility with some System V implementations, the following defi- nitions are also supported. System V Name NetBSD Curses Name ACS_SBBS ACS_LRCORNER ACS_BBSS ACS_URCORNER ACS_BSSB ACS_ULCORNER ACS_SSBB ACS_LLCORNER ACS_SSSS ACS_PLUS ACS_BSBS ACS_HLINE ACS_SSSB ACS_LTEE ACS_SBSS ACS_RTEE ACS_SSBS ACS_BTEE ACS_BSSS ACS_TTEE ACS_SBSB ACS_VLINE
Functions returning pointers will return NULL if an error is detected. The functions that return an int will return one of the following values: OK The function completed successfully. ERR An error occurred in the function.
curses_addchstr(3), curses_addstr(3), curses_attributes(3), curses_cursor(3), curses_delch(3), curses_inch(3), curses_insertch(3)
The NetBSD Curses library complies with the X/Open Curses specification, part of the Single Unix Specification.
The Curses package appeared in 4.0BSD. NetBSD 8.1 July 11, 2007 NetBSD 8.1

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