ypinit(8) - NetBSD Manual Pages

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YPINIT(8)               NetBSD System Manager's Manual               YPINIT(8)

ypinit - initialise YP system
ypinit -c [domainname] [-l server1,...,serverN] ypinit -m [domainname] [-l server1,...,serverN] ypinit -s master_server [domainname] [-l server1,...,serverN]
ypinit initialises the files and directories that are required for a YP client or server. If domainname isn't specified, the default domain (as returned by domainname(1)) is used. The following options are available: -c Create a YP client. Initialises /var/yp/binding/<domain>.ypservers to contain a list of ypservers for ypbind(8) to connect to. -l server1,...,serverN Set the list of client servers from the command line rather than prompting for them interactively. The format is a comma sepa- rated list of server names with no spaces. -m Create a master YP server. Generates map data from local files (/etc/master.passwd, /etc/group, etc.). -s master_server Create a slave server. Downloads the maps from master_server, which should be the active master YP server. To rebuild or refresh the maps for the YP domain <domain>, change to the /var/yp/<domain> directory and run make.
/var/yp master YP directory; contains the template makefiles. /var/yp/<domain> directory to store YP maps for <domain>. /var/yp/binding/<domain>.ypservers list of YP servers to bind to.
domainname(1), make(1), makedbm(8), mknetid(8), stdethers(8), stdhosts(8), yp(8), ypbind(8), yppush(8), ypserv(8)
Originally written by Mats O Jansson <moj@stacken.kth.se>. Modified by Jason R. Thorpe <thorpej@NetBSD.org>. NetBSD 2.0.2 July 31, 2001 NetBSD 2.0.2
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