tradcpp(1) - NetBSD Manual Pages

TRADCPP(1)              NetBSD General Commands Manual              TRADCPP(1)

tradcpp -- traditional (K&R-style) C macro preprocessor
tradcpp [-options] [input-file [output-file]]
The tradcpp command provides a traditional K&R-style C macro preproces- sor. It is intended to be suitable for historical Unix uses of the pre- processor, such as imake(1), particularly those that depend on preserva- tion of whitespace. The chief ways in which traditional cpp differs from Standard C are: · Macro arguments are expanded within quoted strings. There is no stringize operator. · There is no token pasting operator; tokens can be concatenated by placing comments between them. This process is also not limited to valid C language tokens. · Whitespace is preserved, and in particular tabs are not expanded into spaces. Furthermore, additional whitespace is not injected.
tradcpp has many options, many of which are defined for compatibility with gcc(1) or other compilers. Many of the options are not yet imple- mented. Common Options -C Retain comments in output. -Dmacro[=expansion] Provide a definition for the named macro. If no expansion is provided, the value ``1'' is used. Note that like many Unix compilers, tradcpp does not accept a space between the ``D'' and the macro name. -Ipath Add the specified path to the main list of include directo- ries. Note that like many Unix compilers, tradcpp does not accept a space between the ``I'' and the directory name. -nostdinc Do not search the standard system include directories. -P Suppress line number information in the output. Currently line number information is not generated at all and this option has no effect. -Umacro Remove any existing definition for the named macro. Note that like many Unix compilers, tradcpp does not accept a space between the ``U'' and the macro name. -undef Remove all predefined macros. Warning Options Warning options can be disabled or enabled by inserting, or not, the string ``no-'' between the ``W'' and the warning name. Herein the ``-Wno-'' form is shown for options that are enabled by default. -Wall Turn on all warnings. The option -Wno-all disables only the warnings that are disabled by default. -w Turn off all warnings. -Werror Make warnings into fatal errors. -Wcomment Warn about nested comments. -Wno-endif-labels Don't warn about symbols attached to #endif directives. (The warning is currently not implemented.) -Wundef Warn about undefined symbols appearing in #if and #elif expressions. -Wunused-macros Warn about macros that are defined and never used. Not implemented. Depend Options -M Generate dependency information for make(1) on the standard output, instead of preprocessing. Not implemented. -MD Like -M but skip system headers. Not implemented. -MM Like -M but write the dependency information to a file named after the input file with extension .d and preprocess normally to standard output. Not implemented. -MMD Like -MM but skip system headers. Not implemented. -MF file Send dependency output to the named file instead of the default location. Not implemented. -MG When generating dependency information, assume that missing files are generated instead of failing. Not implemented. -MP Issue dummy rules for all include files. This prevents make(1) from choking if an include file is removed. Not implemented. -MQ target Same as -MT except that any make(1) metacharacters appear- ing in the target are escaped. -MT target Set the name of the make(1) target appearing in the gener- ated dependency information. The default is the name of the input file with its suffix replaced with the suffix for object files, normally .o. More Include Path Options -idirafter path Add the specified path to the ``afterwards'' include path. This path is searched after all directories specified with -I and the standard system directories. Directories on this path are treated as containing system include files. -imacros file Read in file prior to reading the main input file, and pre- process it, but throw away the output and retain only the macro definitions. -include file Read in and preprocess file prior to reading the main input file. -iprefix prefix Set the path prefix used with the -iwithprefix option. -iquote path Add path to the list of directories searched for include directives written with quotes. This list is not searched for include directives written with angle brackets. -iremap string:replacement Substitute replacement for string in the __FILE__ built-in macro. Not supported. -isysroot path Use path as the ``system root'', that is, the directory under which the standard system paths are found. -isystem path Add path to the list of system include directories. This list is searched after the list given with I. Files found on this path are treated as system headers. -iwithprefix dir Splice dir onto the prefix given with -iprefix and add this directory as if it were specified with -idirafter. -iwithprefixbefore Like -iwithprefix but adds the result as if it were speci- fied with -I. Diagnostic Options -debuglog file Write a trace of actions and operations to file as the input is processed. Meant for debugging problems in com- plex substitution schemes fed to tradcpp, such as those used by imake(1). -dD Dump all macro definitions, except for the predefined macros, after the normal preprocessing output. Not imple- mented. -dI Dump all include directives along with the normal prepro- cessing output. Not implemented. -dM Dump all macro definitions instead of the normal prepro- cessing output. Not implemented. -dN Like -dD but emits only macro names and not the expansions. Not implemented. -H Output a trace of the include tree as it gets processed. Not implemented. Other Options -CC Retain comments in output. Same as -C, accepted for com- patibility with gcc(1). -fdollars-in-identifiers, -fno-dollars-in-identifiers Enable (or disable, respectively) the use of the dollar sign in identifiers. Not implemented. -ftabstop=num Set the tab width to the specified value, for reporting column positions in diagnostics. The default is 8. Not implemented. -std=standard Ask tradcpp to conform to the named standard. The default, and the only supported value, is ``krc''. -traditional This option is accepted for compatibility with gcc(1) and ignored. -x lang Adjust the preprocessor for the given language. The only values accepted for lang are ``assembler-with-cpp'' and ``c'', neither of which have any effect on the behavior of tradcpp.
The default list of directories searched for include files is: /usr/local/include /usr/include
cc(1), cpp(1), make(1)
None. The whole point of a traditional cpp is that it reflects practices in pre-standardization implementations of C. Some information is avail- able from the first edition of Kernighan and Ritchie. Much of the rest of the behavior is based on lore, pragmatism, material encountered in the wild, and comparison to other implementations.
The original version of tradcpp was written one evening in late 2010. This version had some problems and was put aside. The first working ver- sion was released in June 2013.
Probably plenty. NetBSD 10.0 June 11, 2013 NetBSD 10.0

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