lmcconfig(8) - NetBSD Manual Pages

LMCCONFIG(8)            NetBSD System Manager's Manual            LMCCONFIG(8)

lmcconfig -- configuration program for LMC (and some SBE) wide-area net- work interface cards
lmcconfig interface [-abBcCdDeEfgGhiLmMpPsStTuUvVwxXyY?] lmcconfig interface -1 [-aABcdeEfFgiIlLpPstTuUxX] lmcconfig interface -3 [-aABcefFlLsSV]
The lmcconfig utility is the configuration program for the lmc(4) wide- area network device driver. It sets control values, such as T3 framing format, and it displays status, such as that of integrated modems, which are beyond the scope of ifconfig(8). The lmcconfig utility displays the interface status when no parameters are specified; see the EXAMPLES section. For this case only, if no interface is specified, it defaults to ``lmc0''. Only the super-user may modify the configuration of a network interface. The following options are available: interface This is the name of the interface; the default is ``lmc0''. -1 All parameters after this apply to the T1E1 card. -3 All parameters after this apply to the T3 card. Parameters for all cards The following parameters apply to more then one card type. -a number Set Transmitter clock source to number. 1 TxClk from modem T1E1, HSSI (default) 2 Internal source T1E1, HSSI 3 RxClk from modem T1E1, HSSIc (loop timed) 4 External connector T1E1, HSSIc An HSSI card normally takes its Tx clock from the modem connector (it is a DTE) but can use the PCI bus clock (typ- ically 33 MHz) for loopback and null modem testing; values 3 and 4 are only applicable to a few rare CompactPCI/HSSI cards. A T1E1 card uses an on-board synthesized oscillator if the value is 1 or 2; it loop times (uses the clock recovered by the receiver as the transmitter clock) if the value is 3; and it uses a clock from a header connector on the card if the value is 4. TxClk source is not applicable to other card types. -b Read BIOS ROM. Print the first 256 locations. The BIOS ROM is not used and not present on some cards. -B Write BIOS ROM. Write the first 256 locations with an address pattern. -c Use HDLC's 16-bit Cyclic Redundancy Checksum (CRC). -C Use HDLC's 32-bit Cyclic Redundancy Checksum (CRC). -d Clear the driver-level debug flag. Non-critical log mes- sages are suppressed. -D Set the driver-level debug flag. The driver generates more log messages. The driver also generates more log messages if the interface-level debug flag is set by ifconfig(8). -e Set DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) mode (default). An SSI card transmitter uses the Tx clock signal from the modem connector and receives the Data Carrier Detect pin (DCD). DTE/DCE is not applicable to other card types except a few rare CompactPCI/HSSI cards. -E Set DCE (Data Communication Equipment) mode. An SSI card transmitter uses an on-board synthesized oscillator and drives the Data Carrier Detect pin (DCD). -f number Set the frequency of the built-in synthesized oscillator to number bits/second. The nearest frequency that the synthe- sizer can generate will be used. Only SSI cards and a few rare CompactPCI/HSSI cards have synthesizers. -g Load gate array microcode from on-board ROM; see also -U. -G filename Load gate array microcode from filename; see also -U. -h Print help (usage message). -i Set interface name (e.g. ``lmc0''). -L number Set loopback mode to number. 1 none default 2 payload outward thru framer T1E1. T3 3 line outward thru line if T1E1, T3 4 other inward thru line if T1E1, T3 5 inward inward thru framer T1E1, T3 6 dual inward and outward T1E1, T3 16 tulip inward thru Tulip chip all cards 17 pins inward thru drvrs/rcvrs SSI 18 LA/LL assert LA/LL modem pin HSSI, SSI 19 LB/RL assert LB/RL modem pin HSSI, SSI -m Read Tulip MII registers. Print the 32 16-bit registers in the Media Independent Interface. -M addr data Write Tulip MII register. Write data into register addr. -p Read Tulip PCI configuration registers. Print the first 16 32-bit registers in the PCI configuration space. -P addr data Write Tulip PCI configuration register. Write data into register addr. -s Read Tulip SROM. Print the 64 16-bit locations. The PCI subsystem vendor and device IDs are kept here. -S number Write Tulip SROM. Initializes the Tulip SROM to card type number. 3 HSSI 4 T3 5 SSI 6 T1E1 7 HSSIc 8 SDSL 0 auto-set from uCode type If number is zero, then the card type is computed from the gate array microcode version field in the MII PHYID regis- ter. CAUTION: if the SROM is incorrect, the card will be unusable! This command is so dangerous that lmcconfig must be edited and recompiled to enable it. -t Read Tulip CSRs. Print the 16 32-bit Control and Status Registers. -T addr data Write Tulip CSR. Write data into register addr. Note that addr is a CSR number (0-15) not a byte offset into CSR space. -u Reset event counters to zero. The driver counts events like packets in and out, errors, discards, etc. The time when the counters are reset is remembered. -U Reset gate array microcode. -v Set verbose mode: print more stuff. -V Print the card configuration; see the EXAMPLES section. -x number Set the line control protocol to number. Line control pro- tocols are listed below along with the operating systems that implement them and the stacks that include them. x Protocol OpSys Stack 1 IPinHDLC FNOBL D--G-N 2 PPP FNOBL -SPGYN 3 CiscoHDLC FNOBL -SPGYN 4 FrameRelay F--BL -SPG-N 5 EthInHDLC F---L ---G-N OpSys: FreeBSD NetBSD OpenBSD BSD/OS Linux. Stack: Driver SPPP P2P GenHDLC sYncPPP Netgraph. -X number Set the line control protocol stack to number. Line con- trol protocol stacks are listed below along with the oper- ating systems that include them and the protocols that they implement. X Stack OpSys Protocol 1 Driver FNOBL I---- 2 SPPP FNO-- -PCF- 3 P2P ---B- -PCF- 4 GenHDLC ----L IPCFE 5 SyncPPP ----L -PC-- 6 Netgraph F---- IPCFE OpSys: FreeBSD NetBSD OpenBSD BSD/OS Linux. Protocol: IPinHDLC PPP CiscoHDLC FrmRly EthInHDLC. -y Disable SPPP/SyncPPP keep-alive packets, -Y Enable SPPP/SyncPPP keep-alive packets. -? Print help (usage message). Parameters for T1E1 cards The following parameters apply to the T1E1 card type: -a y|a|b Stop sending alarm signal (see table below). -A y|a|b Start sending alarm signal. y Yellow Alarm varies with framing a Red Alarm unframed all ones; aka AIS b Blue Alarm unframed all ones Red alarm, also known as AIS (Alarm Indication Signal), and Blue alarm are identical in T1. -B number Send a Bit Oriented Protocol (BOP) message with code number. BOP codes are six bits. -c number Set cable length to number meters (default: 10 meters). This is used to set receiver sensitivity and transmitter line build-out. -d Print the status of the on-board T1 DSU/CSU; see the EXAMPLES section. -e number Set the framing format to number. 9 T1-SF/AMI 27 T1-ESF/B8ZS (default) 0 E1-FAS 8 E1-FAS+CRC 16 E1-FAS+CAS 24 E1-FAS+CRC+CAS 32 E1-NO-framing -E number Enable 64Kb time slots (TSs) for the T1E1 card. The number argument is a 32-bit hex number (default 0xFFFFFFFF). The LSB is TS0 and the MSB is TS31. TS0 and TS25-31 are ignored in T1 mode. TS0 and TS16 are determined by the framing format in E1 mode. -f Read framer registers. Print the 512 8-bit registers in the framer chip. -F addr data Write framer register. Write data into register addr. -g number Set receiver gain range to number. 0x24 Short 0 to 20 dB of equalized gain 0x2C Medium 0 to 30 dB of equalized gain 0x34 Long 0 to 40 dB of equalized gain 0x3F Extend 0 to 64 dB of equalized gain (wide open) 0xFF Auto auto-set based on cable length (default) This sets the level at which Loss-Of-Signal is declared. -i Send a CSU loopback deactivate inband command (T1 only). -I Send a CSU loopback activate inband command (T1 only). -l Send a line loopback deactivate BOP message (T1-ESF only). -L Send a line loopback activate BOP message (T1-ESF only). -p Send a payload loopback deactivate BOP message (T1-ESF only). -P Send a payload loopback activate BOP message (T1-ESF only). -s Print the status of the on-board DSU/CSU; see the EXAMPLES section. -t Stop sending test pattern (see table below). -T number Start sending test pattern number. 0 unframed X^11+X^9+1 1 unframed X^15+X^14+1 2 unframed X^20+X^17+1 3 unframed X^23+X^18+1 4 unframed X^11+X^9+1 with 7ZS 5 unframed X^15+X^14+1 with 7ZS 6 unframed X^20+X^17+1 with 14ZS (QRSS) 7 unframed X^23+X^18+1 with 14ZS 8 framed X^11+X^9+1 9 framed X^15+X^14+1 10 framed X^20+X^17+1 11 framed X^23+X^18+1 12 framed X^11+X^9+1 with 7ZS 13 framed X^15+X^14+1 with 7ZS 14 framed X^20+X^17+1 with 14ZS (QRSS) 15 framed X^23+X^18+1 with 14ZS -u number Set transmit pulse shape to number. 0 T1 DSX 0 to 40 meters 2 T1 DSX 40 to 80 meters 4 T1 DSX 80 to 120 meters 6 T1 DSX 120 to 160 meters 8 T1 DSX 160 to 200 meters 10 E1 75-ohm coax pair 12 E1 120-ohm twisted pairs 14 T1 CSU 200 to 2000 meters; set LBO 255 auto-set based on cable length and framing format (default) -U number Set transmit line build-out to number. 0 0 dB FCC option A 16 7.5 dB FCC option B 32 15 dB FCC option C 48 22.5 dB final span 255 auto-set based on cable length (default) This is only applicable if the pulse shape is T1-CSU. -x Disable transmitter outputs. -X Enable transmitter outputs. Parameters for T3 cards The following parameters apply to the T3 card type: -a y|a|b|i Stop sending alarm signal (see table below). -A y|a|b|i Start sending alarm signal. y Yellow Alarm X-bits set to 0 a Red Alarm framed 1010... aka AIS b Blue Alarm unframed all-ones i Idle signal framed 11001100... -B number Send a Far End Alarm and Control (FEAC) message with code number. FEAC codes are six bits. -c number Set cable length to number meters (default: 10 meters). This is used to set receiver sensitivity and transmitter line build-out. -d Print the status of the on-board T3 DSU; see the EXAMPLES section. -e number Set the framing format to number. 100 T3-C-bit parity 101 T3-M13 format -f Read framer registers. Print the 22 8-bit registers in the framer chip. -F addr data Write framer register. Write data into register addr. -l Send a line loopback deactivate BOP message. -L Send a line loopback activate BOP message. -s Print the status of the on-board T3 DSU; see the EXAMPLES section. -S number Set payload scrambler polynominal to number. 1 payload scrambler disabled 2 X^43+1: DigitalLink and Kentrox 3 X^20+X^17+1 w/28ZS: Larscom Payload scrambler polynomials are not standardized. -V number Set transmit frequency offset to number. Some T3 cards can offset the transmitter frequency from 44.736 MHz. Number is in the range (0..4095); 2048 is zero offset; step size is about 3 Hz. A number is written to a Digital-Analog Converter (DAC) which connects to a Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator (VCXO). Event Counters The device driver counts many interesting events such as packets in and out, errors and discards. The table below lists the event counters and describes what they count. Rx bytes Bytes received in packets with good ending status. Tx bytes Bytes transmitted in packets with good ending status. Rx packets Packets received with good ending status. Tx packets Packets transmitted with good ending status. Rx errors Packets received with bad ending status. Tx errors Packets transmitted with bad ending status. Rx drops Packets received but discarded by software because the input queue was full or the link was down. Rx missed Packets that were missed by hardware because the receiver was enabled but had no DMA descriptors. Tx drops Packets presented for transmission but discarded by software because the output queue was full or the link was down. Rx fifo overruns Packets that started to arrive, but were aborted because the card was unable to DMA data to memory fast enough to prevent the receiver fifo from overflowing. This is reported in the ending status of DMA descrip- tors. Rx overruns Rx Fifo overruns reported by the Tulip chip in the Status CSR. The driver stops the receiver and restarts it to work around a potential hardware hangup. Tx fifo underruns Packets that started to transmit but were aborted because the card was unable to DMA data from memory fast enough to prevent the transmitter fifo from underflowing. This is reported in the ending status of DMA descriptors. Tx underruns Tx Fifo underruns reported by the Tulip chip in the Status CSR. The driver increases the transmitter threshold, requiring more bytes to be in the fifo before the transmitter is started. Rx FDL pkts Packets received on the T1 Facility Data Link. Rx CRC Cyclic Redundancy Checksum errors detected by the CRC-6 in T1 Extended SuperFrames (ESF) or the CRC-4 in E1 frames. Rx line code Line Coding Violation errors: Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI) errors for T1-SF, Bipolar 8-Zero Substitution (B8ZS) errors for T1-ESF, or High Density Bipolar with 3-Zero Substitution (HDB3) errors for E1 or Bipolar 3-Zero Substitution (B3ZS) errors for T3. Rx F-bits T1 or T3 bit errors in the frame alignment signal. Rx FEBE Far End Block Errors: T1 or T3 bit errors detected by the device at the far end of the link. Rx P-parity T3 bit errors detected by the hop-by-hop parity mecha- nism. Rx C-parity T3 bit errors detected by the end-to-end parity mecha- nism. Rx M-bits T3 bit errors in the multi-frame alignment signal. If driver debug mode is enabled, more event counters are displayed. Rx no bufs Failure to allocate a replacement packet buffer for an incoming packet. The buffer allocation is retried later. Tx no descs Failure to allocate a DMA descriptor for an outgoing packet. The descriptor allocation is retried later. Lock watch The watchdog routine conflicted with an IOCTL syscall. Lock intr A CPU tried to enter the interrupt handler while another CPU was already inside. The second CPU simply walks away. Spare1-4 Nameless events of interest to the device driver main- tainer. Transmit Speed The hardware counts transmit clocks divided by 2048. The software com- putes ``Tx speed'' from this (see EXAMPLES below). The transmit clock is the bit rate of the circuit divided by two if the circuit is idle and divided by four if the circuit is carrying a packet. So an empty circuit reports a Tx speed equal to its bit rate, and a full circuit reports a Tx speed equal to half its bit rate. This ``bit rate'' does not include circuit-level overhead bits (such as T1 or T3 frame bits) but does include HDLC stuff bits. An idle T1 cir- cuit with a raw bit rate of 1544000 and a bit-rate-minus-overhead of 1536000 will report a ``Tx speed'' of ((1536000 bitand 4095) plus or minus 4096). Sometimes it will even get the correct answer of 1536000, and if the link is fully loaded it will report about 768000 bits/sec. It is not a perfect bit rate meter (the circuit must be idle), but it is a useful circuit utilization meter if you know the circuit bit rate and do some arithmetic. Software recalculates Tx speed once a second; the measurement period has some jitter.
When ``lmc0'' is a T1E1 card, ``lmcconfig lmc0'' generates the following output: Card name: lmc0 Card type: T1E1 (lmc1200) Link status: Up Tx Speed: 1536000 Line Prot/Pkg: PPP/P2P CRC length: 16 bits Tx Clk src: Modem Rx Clk (loop timed) Format-Frame/Code: T1-ESF/B8ZS TimeSlots [31-0]: 0x01FFFFFE Cable length: 10 meters Current time: Wed Jan 4 05:35:10 2006 Cntrs reset: Fri Dec 16 19:23:45 2005 Rx bytes: 176308259 Tx bytes: 35194717 Rx packets: 383162 Tx packets: 357792 When ``lmc0'' is a T1E1 card, ``lmcconfig lmc0 -1 -d'' generates the fol- lowing output: Format-Frame/Code: T1-ESF/B8ZS TimeSlots [31-0]: 0x01FFFFFE Tx Clk src: Modem Rx Clk (loop timed) Tx Speed: 1536000 Tx pulse shape: T1-DSX: 0 to 40 meters Tx outputs: Enabled Line impedance: 100 ohms Max line loss: 20.0 dB Cur line loss: 0.0 dB Invert data: No Line loop: No Payload loop: No Framer loop: No Analog loop: No Tx AIS: No Rx AIS: No Tx BOP RAI: No Rx BOP RAI: No Rx LOS analog: No Rx LOS digital: No Rx LOF: No Tx QRS: No Rx QRS: No LCV errors: 0 CRC errors: 0 Frame errors: 0 Sev Err Frms: 0 Change of Frm align: 0 Loss of Frame events: 0 SNMP Near-end performance data: LCV=0 LOS=0 FE=0 CRC=0 AIS=0 SEF=0 OOF=0 RAI=0 ANSI Far-end performance reports: SEQ=0 CRC=0 SE=0 FE=0 LV=0 SL=0 LB=0 SEQ=1 CRC=0 SE=0 FE=0 LV=0 SL=0 LB=0 SEQ=2 CRC=0 SE=0 FE=0 LV=0 SL=0 LB=0 SEQ=3 CRC=0 SE=0 FE=0 LV=0 SL=0 LB=0
Messages indicating the specified interface does not exist, or the user is not privileged and tried to alter an interface's configuration.
ioctl(2), lmc(4), ifconfig(8), ifnet(9) http://www.sbei.com/
This is a total rewrite of the program lmcctl by Michael Graff, Rob Braun and Andrew Stanley-Jones.
David Boggs <boggs@boggs.palo-alto.ca.us> NetBSD 5.0 April 11, 2006 NetBSD 5.0

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