envstat(8) - NetBSD Manual Pages

ENVSTAT(8)              NetBSD System Manager's Manual              ENVSTAT(8)

envstat - display environmental sensor readings
envstat [-flr] [-i interval] [-n headrep] [-s sensor1,sensor2,...] [-w width] [device]
envstat displays sensor readings from any device which supports the envsys(4) API. Readings are displayed in columns, one column per sensor. Column widths as well as displayed sensors are fully customizable. The column headers display the name (stored in the device driver) as well as the units of each sensor. The options are as follows: -f Display any temperature values in degrees Fahrenheit. The default is to display temperature values in degrees Celsius. -l List the names of all supported sensors, one per line. Use of this flag causes envstat to ignore all other option flags. -i Repeat the display every interval seconds. Note that some devices do not provide fresh values on demand. See the individual device's manual page for meaningful values for interval. If not specified, or specified as 0, envstat produces one line of values and exits. -n Display a new header every headrep lines. An argument of 0 dis- ables header line printing completely. The default is every 22 lines. -r Display the sensors row wise. This is useful when the number of sensors is large. This option also displays fractional values when present (e.g., the percentage battery charge). -s Restrict the display to the named sensors. The sensor names must be supplied as a comma separated list. Sensor names are case sen- sitive. -w Use width as the column width for the output. Each column is addi- tionally separated by a single space. The default is either the length of the longest sensor name or spread evenly to fill 80 col- umns, whichever is greater.
acpiacad(4), acpibat(4), acpitz(4), envsys(4), lm(4)
envstat appeared in NetBSD 1.5. NetBSD 2.0.2 April 25, 2004 NetBSD 2.0.2

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